14 Annual Banquet – Bethany Baptist Church, 16256 Richmond Rd, Callao, 2:00 – 5:00 PM
25 Cruise-in to 17 South, 15344 Tidewater Trail, Caret, VA, for Burgers & Ice Cream 12:00 PM
6-8 AACA Annual Convention, Charlotte, NC
23 Club Meeting & Cruise-in, Art of Coffee (all welcome), 15722 Kings Hwy, Montross, VA 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM *
5 Trip to Nauticus Museum in Norfolk, VA and tour Battleship Wisconsin - meet at Art of Coffee, Montross for breakfast at 8:00 AM and leave from 221 Templemans Rd (Joe's house) to carpool from there at 9:30 AM - tour is $17.95 each and 2-4 hours for entire tour
9 Ice Cream Social T & J’s Dairy Barn, Burgess, VA, 1:00 PM *
23 Club Meeting & Cruise-in, Club Meeting & Cruise-in, Art of Coffee (all welcome), 15722 Kings Hwy, Montross, VA 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM *
3-5 Southeastern Spring Nationals/Grand Nationals, Charlotte NC
12 Cruise-in at Small Town Burger STB, 81 S. Main St, Kilmarnock, VA 11:00 AM & Ice Cream Social at Stevie’s Ice Cream, 469 N Main St 1:00 PM Kilmarnock, VA. Participants receive 10% discount and Manager's pick receives a $50 gift card at STB
18 Cruise-in Stan’s Skateland, Montross, VA, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM *
20 Easter
26 Cruise to 17 South, 15344 Tidewater Trail, Caret, VA, for Burgers & Ice Cream 12:00 PM - TENATIVE
26 Cruise-in at Deltaville Maritime Museum Car Show, 287 Jackson Creek Rd, Deltaville, VA , 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Plus Concerts at 5 PM
27 Club Meeting & Cruise-in, Club Meeting & Cruise-in, Art of Coffee (all welcome), 15722 Kings Hwy, Montross, VA 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM * 4
3 Annual Northern Neck Tech Center Car Show, 9 AM – 2 PM, NNTC, 13946 Historyland Hwy, Warsaw, VA.
5 Ice Cream Social Ice Cream Hut, 613 Colonial Ave.,Colonial Beach, 1:00 PM
10 Cruise-in at Tom & Corrine Nelson’s Limerick Farm, White Stone, 11AM – 2 PM Details to follow.
17 NNAACA Annual Car Show, Stan’s Skateland, Montross, VA, 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM. Setup show field on the 16th 8:00 AM. Rain Date May 18.
31 Cruise-in to Model A Museum in Mathews, VA – Details to follow POC Mike Mills
1-7 Vintage Tour (Pre 1932) – Southern/Eastern Penn hosted by Buzzard’s BreathTouring Region
7-8 Historic Fredericksburg Region AACA Antique Automobile Meet & Tour, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Fredericksburg Fairgrounds, 2400 Airport Ave., Fredericksburg, VA
14 Richmond AACA Region Car Show, St. Joseph’s Villa, Richmond, VA.
19 - 21 Eastern Spring Nationals - hosted by Whitewater Region
15 Colonial Beach Father’s Day Show, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
20 Cruise-in Stan’s Skateland, Montross, VA, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM *
22 Club Meeting & Cruise-in, Art of Coffee (all welcome), 15722 Kings Hwy, Montross, VA 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM *
28 Cruise-in at Deltaville Maritime Museum Car Show, 287 Jackson Creek Rd, Deltaville, VA , 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Plus Concerts at 5 PM
4th of July
5 Ebb Tide Beach 4th of July Parade 11:00 AM – line up for parade at 10:30 AM
13 Ice Cream Social at ACME Ice Cream Parlor, 618 Church Lane, Tappahannock, VA, 1:00 PM *
18 Cruise-in Stan’s Skateland, Montross, VA, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM *
24 – 26 Grand Nationals/Zenith, Dayton Ohio
27 Club Meeting & Cruise-in, Art of Coffee (all welcome), 15722 Kings Hwy, Montross, VA 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM *
5 First Tuesday
10 Ice Cream Social at T&J’s Dairy Barn, Burgess, VA 1:00 *
15 Cruise-in Stan’s Skateland, Montross, VA, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM *
16 Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern Farmers Market Classic Cars Cruise-in, Heathsville, VA, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
16-17 Colonial Beach Rod Run to the Beach
23 Cruise-in at Deltaville Maritime Museum Car Show, 287 Jackson Creek Rd, Deltaville, VA , 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Plus Concerts at 5 PM
24 Club Meeting & Cruise-in, Art of Coffee (all welcome), 15722 Kings Hwy, Montross, VA 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM *
1 Labor Day
TBD Ditchely Cider Works Detail to follow per Jack Ashburn
14 Club Picnic & Monthly Meeting 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Setup 12:30 AM) Mike to confirm
19 Cruise-in Stan’s Skateland, Montross, VA, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM *
21 Stratford Hall Wine Festival. Invitation via Jack Ashburn
27 Wings & Wheels, Topping, VA, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
4 Montross Fall Festival Car Show, 9:00 AM - Noon, Registration at 8:00 AM
4 Karb Kings Rockabilly Hot Rod Rumble, Sumerduck, VA
7 –10 Eastern Fall Meet, Hershey, PA
17 Cruise-in Stan’s Skateland, Montross, VA, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM *
18 Cruise-in at Deltaville Maritime Museum Car Show, 287 Jackson Creek Rd, Deltaville, VA , 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Plus Concerts at 5 PM
18 Bowling Green Harvest Festival & Classic Car & Truck Show, Main Street, Bowling Green, VA, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
26 Club Meeting & Cruise-in, Art of Coffee (all welcome), 15722 Kings Hwy, Montross, VA 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM*
TBD Urbanna Oyster Festival Antique Car Show - starts at 9:00 Being researched
TBD ODMA Fall Tour ODMA Fall Tour by TBD
6 Golden Christmas Heathsville - Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, Heathsville, VA, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM *
14 Club Meeting and Gift Exchange Art of Coffee (all welcome), 15722 Kings Hwy, Montross, VA 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM*
Note: Only AACA Nationals & Tours in the east depicted and are shown in blue. Consult the AACA Antique Automobile for complete list of National and Tour events
Others to be considered & added:
Colonial Beach Members’ Garage Tour
Chuck Madison’s Cruise & Cookout
* = Standard Repeating Events
Blue = AACA Annual Meeting & National & Regional Events. Please consult Antique Automobile Magazine for all events and latest dates
Note: events depicted in Red not yet finalized
Northern Neck Region, AACA
Schedule of Events for 2024
(Some dates may be added or deleted as the year progresses – be sure to check often for updates)